摘 要:在基于时空大数据的智慧城市规划中,手机信号大数据是目前最常用的数据源。这种大数据具有时间和空间维度,也具有显著的人类行为属性。根据中国相关法律规定,数据在共享前已经进行了匿名化处理,即不能认定为特定的个体而不能再次还原,从而不再视为个人信息。在智慧城市规划中,利用手机信号大数据构建“时空行为”的基本动态分析框架。即使手机信号大数据经过匿名处理,也必然会显示手机用户的某些特定位置属性信息。匿名航迹信息可以与相应的地理空间进行匹配,从而在特定时间段内标注信息主体的活动位置信息。它可以方便地识别手机用户的工作、居住地等具体位置信息,甚至给出用户肖像。现有技术表明,手机信号大数据容易去匿名,匿名规则不适用于智慧城市规划中手机信号大数据的共享。手机信号大数据属于个人敏感信息。一旦泄密或滥用,很容易侵犯信息主体的个人隐私。因此,仅利用当前的匿名化手段共享手机信令大数据不足以保障智慧城市规划中个人信息的安全,共享手机信令大数据应遵循明确知情同意的基本原则。在特殊情况或场景下,突破手机信号大数据共享的基本原则,应当有明确的法律规定并遵守法定程序。
Abstract: In the smart city planning based on spatiotemporal big data, the mobile phone signaling big data is the most commonly used data source at the moment. This kind of big data has time and space dimensions and also significant human behavior attributes. According to the relevant Chinese law, the data has been anonymized before sharing, i.e. cannot be identified as a specific individual and cannot be restored again, thus is no longer regarded as personal information. In smart city planning, the mobile phone signaling big data is used to construct the basic dynamic analysis framework of "space-time-behavior". Even if the mobile phone signaling big data has been processed anonymously, it will inevitably show some specific location attribute information of mobile phone users. The anonymous track information can be matched to the corresponding geographical space, so as to mark the active location information of the information subject in a specific period of time. It can easily identify the specific location information such as the job and residence of mobile phone user, and even give user portrait. Existing technology shows that the mobile phone signaling big data is easy to be de-anonymized, and Anonymity rule are not applicable to the sharing of mobile phone signaling big data in the smart city planning. Mobile phone signaling big data belongs to personal sensitive information. Once leaked or abused, it is easy to infringe personal privacy of information subject. Therefore, only using current anonymization means to share the mobile phone signaling big data are not enough to protect the security of personal information in smart city planning, and sharing the mobile phone signaling big data should follow the basic principle of explicit informed consent. In special circumstances or scenarios, breaking through the basic principle of the mobile phone signaling big data sharing should have clear legal provisions and comply with legal procedures.
Key:Mobile Phone Signalling Big Data, De-Anonymization, Data Sharing, Sensitive Information, Personal Information Protection, Smart City Planning
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