摘 要:空间规划是实现山区高效可持续发展的重要途径。在丘陵地区,由于具有开发潜力的土地稀缺,这一点尤为重要。规划者经常面临的问题之一是缺乏地方一级空间规划的定量方法。在本研究中,已尝试在地方一级为山区制定空间规划框架。在框架的开发过程中,完成了三项任务。首先,审查了地方一级使用的现有空间规划方法和框架。其次,在审查现有框架的基础上,制定了空间规划的概念框架。第三,开发了基于地理信息系统的方法,以执行开发的概念框架。开发的框架已经在一个提议的丘陵地区空间规划项目上进行了验证。开发的框架已被发现在制定空间规划决策时对参与山区开发的从业者和研究人员都是有用的。
Abstract: Spatial planning plays an important role in achieving efficient and sustainable development in hill areas. It is more critical in hill areas because of the scarcity of land having potential for development. One of the problems frequently faced by planners is the absence of a quantitative approach for spatial planning at the local level. In the present study, an attempt has been made to develop the framework for spatial planning at the local level for hill areas. In the process of development of the framework, three tasks have been completed. First, existing spatial planning approaches and frameworks used at the local level have been reviewed. Second, the conceptual framework has been developed for spatial planning based on the review of existing frameworks. Third, the geographic information system based methodology has been developed to execute the developed conceptual framework. The developed framework has been executed for validation on one of the proposed spatial planning projects in hills. The developed framework has been found useful in making spatial planning decisions for both practitioners and researchers involved in the development of hill areas.
Key: Spatial planning, Hill areas, Geographic Information System
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