摘 要:在追求快速城市化和工业化的同时,韩国政府还努力创建大型城市公园。尽管大型公园的数量有所增加,但有关其质量的问题却不断被提出。值得注意的是,光教湖公园的质量得到了景观专家和市民的积极评价,而引入景观设计监督系统被认为是这一评价结果的重要原因之一。本研究对景观设计监督在公园创建过程中的作用和效果进行后评价。与参与公园设计和建设的五名工作人员进行了公开访谈。研究结果表明,景观设计监督员被定义为第二设计师,因为监督员不仅监督施工是否符合设计,而且在理解设计师的概念和意图方面发挥了多重作用。景观设计主管还对施工现场的现状做出了回应,其中包括来自不同实体的变量和专业意见,从而建立和产生了最有效和合理的替代方案。景观设计主管在公众和施工团队之间起着沟通的作用。景观设计主管帮助维护公园初始设计的概念和特征,提高公园的整体质量,并实施反映该地方特色的设计。这也有助于提高景观设计师的自尊和幸福感,通过在建筑中恰当地反映他们最初的设计意图。本研究是采用访谈法进行后评价的初步研究,对于分析景观设计监督员的作用具有初步意义。这将有助于未来的大型公园项目,并在其中引入景观设计监督系统。
Abstract: While pursuing rapid urbanization and industrialization, the Korean government has also endeavoured to create large scale urban parks. Despite the number of large parks having increased, issues regarding their quality have been consistently raised. Noteworthy, is the quality of Gwanggyo Lake Park, which has been positively evaluated by landscape experts and citizens, and the introduction of a landscape design supervision system is thought to be one of the important reasons for this evaluation outcome. This study conducts a post-evaluation of the role and effect of landscape design supervision on the process of creation of the park. Open interviews were conducted with five staff who participated in the design and construction of the park. As a result of the study, a landscape design supervisor was defined as the second designer, because the supervisor not only monitored whether the construction complied with design, but also played multiple roles in understanding the designer's concept and intention. The landscape design supervisor also responded to the current conditions of the construction site, which included variables and professional opinions from different entities, thereby establishing and producing the most efficient and reasonable alternatives. The landscape design supervisor plays a role in communicating between the public and construction teams. The landscape design supervisor helped maintain the concept and identity of the initial design of the park, raise its overall quality, and implement a design that reflects the special characteristics of the place. It also helped raise landscape designers' self-esteem and sense of happiness by properly reflecting their original design intentions in the construction. This study is an initial research for a post-evaluation using the method of interviewing, which is meaningful as an initial study to analyse the role of landscape design supervisors. It will contribute to future large park projects and the introduction of the landscape design supervision system in them.
Key: Public park, Urban regeneration, POE, Large park, Park management
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