Editorial Introduction 编者按

Resilient Cities: Economic, Environmental and Social Perspective 弹性城市:经济、环境和社会视角

作者:Paolo Caratelli, Rifai Mardin, Yong-Hoon Son

摘要:“弹性”一词及其派生词和变形词在近代非常流行,通常与可持续性有关。根据《牛津词典》的说法,从技术角度来看,弹性是“物质或物体恢复形状的能力;弹性”。事实上,该术语在工程和物理学中广泛使用,用于描述材料或系统从假定的应力状态快速恢复的特性。但《牛津词典》中的第一个定义,显然是使用最多的,主要指其他含义,如“从困难中快速恢复的能力;韧性”。恢复力不仅与物理属性有关,而且实际上还扩展到复杂系统,如经济、政治制度、道德、福利、健康、社会结构,毫无疑问,城市和环境甚至超出了其物理外观。因此,当建成的环境被视为人类文明的最高和最持久的成就,而城市环境被视为与人类进步相关的所有有形和无形价值的总和时,“弹性”和“可持续性”这两个术语有时会齐头并进,似乎他们有时可以互换,有时又是相反的。(Garcia & Vale, 2017)。

Abstract:The term “resilience”, and its panoply of derivations and conjugations, has known unusual popularity in recent times, often associated with sustainability. From a technical point of view, resilience is “the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity”, as per the Oxford Dictionary. In fact, the term is widely used in engineering and physics in order to describe the property of a material or system to quickly recover from a supposed condition of stress. But the first definition from the Oxford Dictionary, and apparently the most used, mainly referred to other meanings such as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness”. Therefore, resilience could be associated not only to physical properties, but virtually extended also to complex systems such as the economy, political institutions, ethics, welfare, health, social structures and, undoubtedly, cities and environment even beyond their physical appearance. Therefore, when the built environment is viewed as the highest and longest lasting achievement of human civilization, and the urban environment viewed as the summation of all tangible and intangible values connected with the progress of mankind, the terms “resilient” and “sustainable” sometimes come hand in hand, as if they would be interchangeable, and sometimes face discordant opposition (Garcia & Vale, 2017).

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