WiFi是检测和计算MAC地址的最有效技术之一。许多先前的研究已将MAC地址数据解释为其他形式,以用于基础设施开发和城市交通。这项研究使用板载WiFi扫描仪,在“Romango Bus”上传播,这是一种随上随下巴士,有9个巴士站,漫游时间为09.50至17.50。该方法使用WiFi和GPS MAC地址作为来自WiFi设备的原始数据,在公共汽车绕过路线时收集。 WiFi扫描仪设备放置在两条不同的总线上,以全面监控路线的运行时间。以WiFi数据和GPS数据的形式获得的原始数据被组合并通过五个步骤处理以产生非乘客数据。结果显示在包含MAC地址数据的地图上,并指定分类为行人,车辆和建筑物的非乘客数据。 Obuse是一个拥有众多旅游景点的旅游区,在中途停留地点的WiFi结果显示了大量的行人,特别是在Obuse Park和Obuse Station。
Abstract: WiFi is one of the most useful technologies that can be used for detecting and counting MAC addresses. Many previous studies have interpreted MAC address data into other forms for use in infrastructure development and urban transport. This study uses onboard WiFi scanners, circulated on the "Romango Bus", a hop-on-hop-off bus that has nine bus stops with roaming time from 09.50 to 17.50. The method uses WiFi and GPS MAC addresses as raw data from WiFi devices, collected during the time the bus goes around the route. WiFi scanner devices are placed on two different buses for comprehensive monitoring of the route's operating hours. Raw data obtained in the form of WiFi data and GPS data is combined and processed through five steps to produce non-passenger data. The results are displayed on a map that contains MAC address data, and that specifies non-passenger data categorized into pedestrians, vehicles, and buildings. Obuse is a tourist area that has many tourist attractions, and the results of WiFi at stopover locations shows a high number of pedestrians, especially at Obuse Park and Obuse Station.
Key: Non-Passenger Data, MAC Address, WiFi Scanner, Processing
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