摘 要:本研究提出了一种计算印度尼西亚城市规划空间布局的简便方法,符合可持续城市形态。几个印度尼西亚城市起源于荷兰殖民时代。尽管考虑这些城市的原始规划对保持其可持续性非常重要,但一般而言,原始规划往往被忽视。本研究中调查的总体规划是由荷兰三宝垄、万隆和马朗规划师设计的印度尼西亚三个城市的总体规划,并与荷兰的两个城市(代尔夫特和阿姆斯特丹)进行比较。使用的方法是收集阿姆斯特丹、代尔夫特、万隆、三宝垄和马朗的古代地图的图像,然后将图像从光栅数字化为矢量,以便使用DepthMapX进行计算。这项研究利用地图计算城市的深度。然后,使用深度计算(DC)技术的空间语法方法来确定城市之间的相似性比率。根据评估结果,发现阿姆斯特丹和代尔夫特市与印度尼西亚的三个荷兰殖民城市在深度上存在相似性。本研究证明印度尼西亚城市总体规划中的DC是类似的。由此得出的比率显示了印度尼西亚殖民城市模式与荷兰城市模式之间的差异程度。预计本研究将有助于城市规划师和城市政府确定荷兰殖民时期设计的城市的发展方向。保持旧殖民地城市形态的可持续性需要城市规划与城市政府制定的政策之间的协调。
Abstract:This study proposes an easy method for calculating the spatial arrangement of Indonesian city planning, in line with sustainable urban forms. Several Indonesian cities originated during the Dutch colonial era. Although it is very important to consider the original plans of these cities to maintain their sustainability, generally, the original plans tend to be ignored. The master plans investigated in this work are those of three cities in Indonesia designed by Dutch planners of Semarang, Bandung, and Malang, and which are compared to two cities in the Netherlands (Delft and Amsterdam). The method used was by collecting images of ancient maps of Amsterdam, Delft, Bandung, Semarang, and Malang, then digitising the image from raster to vector so that it can be calculated using DepthMapX. This study utilised maps for computing the Depth of the cities. Then, a space syntax approach using Depth Calculation (DC) techniques is deployed for determining the similarity ratio among the cities. Based on the results of the assessment, it is found that there is similarity in Depth in the cities of Amsterdam and Delft against three Dutch colonial cities in Indonesia. This study supports that the DC in the master plan of cities in Indonesia is similar. The resulting ratio shows the extent of the difference between the pattern of Indonesian colonial cities and the pattern of Dutch cities. It is expected that this study will contribute to urban planners’ and city governments’ determination of the direction of development of a city designed during the Dutch colonial period. Maintaining the sustainability of the old colonial urban form requires harmony between urban planning and the policies made by the city government.
Key:Colonial Cities, Connectivity, Depth, Space Syntax
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