Assessing Visual Quality of Landscape on Roadside Greenery in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia:印度尼西亚日惹市路边绿地景观视觉质量评估

作者:Retno Nur Utami, Siti Nurul Rofiqo Irwan , Yudi Setyawan


摘   要:城市绿化极大地提高了景观的美感,并为游客提供了最佳的体验。日惹是印度尼西亚的主要城市之一,是著名的旅游、教育和文化目的地。本研究旨在评估日惹市路边绿化景观的视觉质量(VQL)。为此,采用比例随机抽样法选择了30个样本单位。使用了一份问卷,其中包含关于受访者的社会人口特征和对路边绿化景观视觉质量选择标准的看法的问题。选定的调查对象是样本单位附近的居民。景观视觉质量的值来自200名受访者在观察完展示给他们的30张样本单元的照片后的感知。然后采用改进的风景美估计(SBE)方法对采集到的数据进行分析。SBE值由五个标准评估,包括复杂性、对连贯性的干扰、管理、自然程度和路边绿化的美丽印象。采用树状图分析方法,将日惹市的二级主干道(SAR)、二级集散路(摩天楼/城市)和地方街道(Ulrich, Simons et al.)分为高、中、低三类。研究结果表明,30个路边绿化样本单位确认了11条高等级道路、9条中等等级道路和10条低等级道路。由于SBE值是评估中使用的五个标准中的不同标准,三个路边绿化的VQL应重新排列和改进。这些研究结果将对日惹市的规划者和管理者做出一些贡献。

Abstract:Urban greenery contributes significantly to enhance the aesthetics of landscapes and further provides best experiences to visitors. Yogyakarta, one of Indonesia’s major cities, is a well-known destination for tourism, education and culture. The purpose of this research therefore was to assess the visual quality of landscape (VQL) of roadside greenery in Yogyakarta City. For that, 30 sample units were selected by using proportional random sampling method. A questionnaire containing questions about respondent’s sociodemographic characteristic and perception on the selected criteria of VQL of the roadside greenery was utilized. The selected respondents were the residents of neighbourhood area around the sample units. The value of the VQL was obtained from 200 respondents’ perception after they has finished to observe 30 photographs of sample units showed to them. The collected data then were analysed by using modified scenic beauty estimation (SBE) method. SBE values were assessed by five criteria comprising complexity, interference to coherence, stewardship, naturalness, and beauty impression of roadside greenery. The three categories of road in Yogyakarta City, namely secondary arterial road (SAR), secondary collector road (SKYSCRAPER/CITY), and local street (Ulrich, Simons et al.) were being classified into three clusters of high, medium and low by using dendrogram analysis method. The research results showed that 30 sample units of roadside greenery confirmed 11 roads in high, 9 roads in medium and 10 roads in low clusters. Because of SBE values various of the five criteria used in the assessment, the VQL of the three roadside greenery should be rearranged and improved. These research results, therefore, would make some contributions to the planner and manager of the Yogyakarta City.

Key: Roadside Greenery, Scenic Beauty Estimation, Urban Landscape, Visual Quality of Landscape (VQL), Yogyakarta City

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