Formation of Sense of Place Trough Urban Design Project in Chiba, Japan:日本千叶市城市设计项目中地方感的形成:

Relationships between Change of Emotional Values and Experiential Recognition of Place 情感价值变化与场所经验认知的关系

作者:Changguk Kim, Dongyun Kwak


摘   要:世界各地许多城市在社会、历史、文化和自然因素的基础上,采取了不同的方法来塑造城市形象,并继续努力振兴。在许多日本城市中,利用公共空间进行城市更新的方式多种多样。然而,证明这种方法有效性的研究很少。从2000年开始,千叶的“阳伞画廊”通过业余市民艺术家的展览,见证了将公共街道改造成户外画廊的城市设计活动。本研究根据物理环境的变化,对受试者在不同条件下经历的情绪因素进行了分类。它分析了情感因素的变化与对地点的经验认知之间的关系。研究方法分为“有阳伞画廊的日子”和“没有阳伞画廊的日子”,调查了三组人:阳伞画廊的艺术家、阳伞画廊的参观者和普通市民。从场所依恋、场所意义、行为意图、场所认知、体验价值5个要素进行因子分析和回归分析,验证了三组学生场所感的变化。

Abstract:Many cities worldwide adopted varied approaches to build their urban image based on social, historical, cultural, and natural factors and continue their efforts to revitalize. In many Japanese cities, there are various ways to utilize public spaces for urban regeneration. However, studies that prove the effectiveness of this approach are few. Since 2000, Chiba’s “Parasol Gallery” has witnessed urban design activity that recreates public streets into outdoor galleries through exhibition by amateur citizen artists. This study classifies the emotional factors experienced by subjects under different conditions, with the changes in physical environment. It analyzes the relationship between change in emotional factors and experiential recognition of place. The method of study is divided into “days of Parasol Gallery” and “days without it,” and three groups were surveyed: Parasol Gallery’s artists, Parasol Gallery’s visitors, and general citizens. The changes in sense of place of these three groups was verified by factor analysis and regression analysis in terms of five elements: place attachment, the meaning of place, behavior intention, place cognition, and experiential value.

Key: Sense of Place, Public Space, Street Characterization, Emotional Value, Experiential Recognition of Place

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