Process of Choosing the Place of Residence among Households Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake 东日本大地震受灾家庭选择居住地的过程

作者:Shoko Araki , Noriko Akita


摘   要:这项研究旨在澄清从2011年东日本大地震发生后不久到决定居住在岩手县釜石市U区A区的意向变化,灾难发生后,在该地区实施了一项土地重新调整项目,以帮助恢复该市的城区。这项研究使用文本挖掘分析了2012年和2017年对居民进行的采访数据。分析显示,“金钱”、“家庭”、“土地”、“环境”和“社区”是居民决定重建的重要因素。特别是,60多岁和70多岁的居民表现出“每个人”一词的强烈共现,这表明他们根据周围环境选择居住地。“邻里协会”一词出现于2017年,表明了“社区”在居民重建决策中的重要性。因为A区的社区协会在地震前就很活跃。结果表明,在地震发生之前,作为社区中心的社区协会的活动再次成为一道警戒线和纽带,并发挥了一种机制的作用,将离开该地区的家庭的意见纳入其中。

Abstract:This study aimed to clarify changes in intention from the immediate aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred 2011 to the decision to reside in District A, Area U of Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture, where a land readjustment project to assist in the restoration of the city's urban areas was introduced after the disaster. This study analyzed data from interviews conducted with residents in 2012 and 2017 using text mining. The analysis revealed that “money,” “family,” “land,” “surroundings,” and “community” were important factors in residents’ decision to rebuild. In particular, residents in their 60s and 70s exhibited a strong co-occurrence of the word “everyone,” indicating that they chose their place of residence based on their surroundings. The word “neighborhood association” appeared in 2017 and indicated the importance of “community” in the residents’ decision to rebuild. Because neighborhood association in District A was active even before the earthquake. The results showed that the activities of the neighborhood association, which was the center of the community before the earthquake, once again served as a cordon and tether, and functioned as a mechanism to incorporate the opinions of households that had left the district.

Key: Great East Japan Earthquake, Text mining, Residency decision, Process of decision-making, Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture

全文: DOI